When you need steel fencing or fencing supplies for rural or residential projects, Normetals has you covered. Because a big part of what we do is providing our customers with quality, affordable fencing materials, we thought it would be worth devoting a blog entry to some essential fencing tips aimed at those who may be undertaking a fencing job for the first time.
Do the Necessary Research
Even before you purchase your fencing from a trusted firm such as Normetals, you’ll have to find out whether planning permission is required to erect it – and then to seek the necessary approval.
Once that’s done, consider the different types of fencing available, taking into account not just your budget and aesthetic preferences but also any kids and animals you want the fence to keep safe. It never hurts to get expert advice from your fencing supplier on the most suitable variety for your property/situation.
Inform Your Neighbours
Where the proposed fencing will sit on the border between your land and that belonging to other people, you should always let them know well ahead of time. So, unless it’s internal farm fencing, you’re going to need to give the neighbours a heads-up. The law regarding sharing costs and a lot more fencing-related questions are answered in this handy government booklet (Legal Services Commission South Australia).
Prepare the Site Properly
Carefully and mark out the line your steel fencing will follow before you start the actual work. Many people like to lay the fencing materials out on the ground in roughly the position they will be in the completed fence. Make sure you have all of the tools present that might possibly be needed for the project.
Be Smart with Timing
Think about the likelihood of rain, check the long-term forecast and allow yourself sufficient time to carry out the fencing project without rushing. Ordering a few extras of your key fencing supplies will ensure you don’t have to waste time going to collect more if it turns out you’ve miscalculated, or you accidentally damage a few items.
Double-Check as You Go
Continually check that you are sticking to the marked boundary line, that everything is straight and upright, etc. Common-sense stuff, but it’s easy to get into a rhythm and then look back and see things have gone slightly awry.
Hire Professionals
We’ve written this article in a way that assumes YOU will be erecting the steel fencing. However, if you’re not confident with this type of construction, you really should hire professionals to handle the task. You can still assist them as a labourer.
Take Photographs
Not an essential step, but photos can be helpful to later – as a record of progress (especially if they are timestamped), for comparison/reference purposes, in case something goes wrong in the future, etc.
For All of Your Steel Fencing Requirements
Normetals can help with a range of rural fencing supplies, as well as fencing materials designed for residential use. Email us at enquire@normetals.com , call toll-free on 1800 88 22 66 or use the online form here. Our five-acre site is equipped with a weigh bridge, trucks, forklifts and a crane. We aim to make things as easy for our customers as possible!