At Normetals, we’re well known as one of Adelaide’s leading suppliers of quality steel products. These popular products include a wide range of fences and gates for rural, residential and other uses. If you need temporary fencing for whatever reason, we can supply it.
When is Temporary Fencing Used
Temporary fencing is often used for events, to control the movement of those attending and prevent unauthorised access by outsiders. A temporary fence can also create separate zones within the event.
Temporary fencing is extremely handy on construction sites as it forms a barrier between the site and its machinery/materials, etc. and outsiders. It stops workers being interrupted by members of the public. At the same time, it stops stickybeaks from wandering into a potentially dangerous space.
Of course, temporary fencing may also be employed merely as an in-between stage, until such time as the organiser is ready to erect permanent fencing in the same spot.
What are the Benefits of Temporary Fencing?
The most obvious benefit of temporary fencing is the cost, especially when you only require the area to be enclosed for a finite period.
Security is another big plus. An open worksite can, unfortunately, be like an invitation to unscrupulous individuals. Temporary fencing not only serves as a physical barrier to trespassers and thieves, it sends a strong message that the company in charge is security-conscious – hinting that there are likely to be additional security precautions in place inside the perimeter.
Safety is a further benefit of temporary fencing. Someone wandering into an area where they shouldn’t be could cause an accident or fall victim to one themselves.
Temporary fencing helps events run smoothly, assisting you in controlling who enters and leaves, and where exactly they do so.
Finally, temporary fencing cuts down on vandalism. As with thievery, an open site is always going to be a temptation to those looking for somewhere to leave spray-can graffiti or to cause pointless damage out of a twisted sense of fun. A temporary fence may be enough to put these types off completely.
Is Temporary Fencing Reliable?
Absolutely! In Australia, temporary fencing must comply with various government regulations regarding construction practices and Occupational Health & Safety. When you source your temporary fences from a reputable firm such as Normetals, you know that they are going to be up to the job.
For Great-Value Temporary Fencing
When you’re after steel supplies – including temporary fencing – Normetals should be your one-stop shop! For more information on our temporary fences or indeed any of our quality steel products, please email , call toll-free on 1800 88 22 66 or use the online form here.